The Common Problems in the Preparation of Non-Prose Forms Presentations among Freshmen English for Communication Students

Edwina Bensal

Edna Miraflores

Carmina Misolas

Neslie Tan
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Bensal, E. R., Miraflores, E. S., Misolas, C., & Tan, N. C. C. (2010, December 2). The common problems in the preparation of non-prose forms presentations among freshmen English for Communication students [Paper Presentation]. The 4th Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (GLoCALL) International Conference, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
In the advent of technology, visual literacy is no longer exclusive to the ability to read texts or prose but now also requires the effective reading of non-prose forms (graphs, charts, tables, and others). Hence, the creation of non-prose forms has become an essential skill due to the need for more efficient and more precise presentation of ideas. Specifically in the course English for Communication (ENGLCOM) students training to become future professionals are expected to prepare non-prose forms that convey condense information based on elaborate texts. Again, with the onslaught of technology, it can be noted that students have now changed their ways of preparing non-prose forms in their academic output. This study thus investigates the common difficulties students encounter in the process of translating complex prose materials to non-prose forms such as insufficient knowledge of the conventions of non-prose, poor comprehension of texts, low technological competence, and other problems. Recommendations for further improvement in the teaching of non-prose forms are extracted from identified student weaknesses.