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The Power to Make a Point: Investigating the Students’ Use of PowerPoint



Edwina Bensal

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Edna Miraflores

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Neslie Carol Tan

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Carmina Misolas

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To Cite this Source:

Bensal, E. R., Miraflores, E. S., Misolas, C., & Tan, N. C. C. (2010, December 2). The power to make a point: Investigating the student’ use of PowerPoint [Paper Presentation]. The 4th Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (GLoCALL) International Conference, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.


In the context of modern presentations, the audience has become visual learners and listeners; hence, speakers are compelled to design visual aids to enhance their presentations which make the Powerpoint the most commonly used media to achieve this purpose. However, some speakers have the proclivity to depend too much on their Powerpoint presentations, thereby relegating their role as presenters to the background. This paper investigates select students’ efficiency in managing their Powerpoint presentations in their English for Communication (ENGLCOM) classes at De La Salle University-Manila, and its pedagogical implications in the teaching of oral presentation. This paper covers how the students use technology to complement the content of their report. From this, the study shows that the majority of the student presenters failed to communicate effectively as they depend too much on their Powerpoint presentation (e.g. too much reading, too much number of slides, heavy text information, over emphasis on animation and irrelevant graphics). Therefore, there is a need for the students to understand that although the Powerpoint is an important tool, it is not the alternative for a powerful presentation. Powerpoint is one of the best presentation software applications that can help students be better presenters given the right training and exposure, in order for them to have the power to make a point.

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